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Wellbeing - Child Protection
#Embracing Life

Child Protection

CEWA Child Safe Framework

The Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) Child Safe Framework comprises nine elements that together help our students and children to be and feel safe, which are based on the latest research and recognised best practices. The nine elements combine to support a child-safe culture founded on healthy and respectful relationships. The Framework has been designed to map with existing frameworks within CEWA and the broader education context.

The Framework elements provide a lens that will help you to access policies, practices and behaviours to identify the ‘next steps’ for your school to improve your students’ outcomes, including modelling and developing positive relationships and creating child-safe environments.

Child Protection Procedures - Guidelines and Procedures for Catholic Schools in Western Australia

This document defines child abuse and neglect and sets out the responsibilities of staff and the processes which must be followed.

Mandatory Reporting

Teachers, boarding supervisors and school-based nurses now have a legal obligation to report a belief based on reasonable grounds that child sexual abuse has occurred or is occurring on or after commencement day as set out in the Children and Community Services Act 2004.

5.2 Responsibilities of educators and other staff

Staff must inform the principal of any concerns involving child sexual abuse.

Staff that have a concern that child sexual abuse has occurred or is occurring are responsible for:

  1. Where the allegation is made against the principal, informing the Team Leader, Employment and Community Relations Team immediately.

  2. Documenting the details of the grounds for their belief as well as any observations, consultations made and actions taken.

  3. Notifying their principal as soon as possible (usually within one working day) of their concern and the grounds that lead to their concern.

  4. Assisting in supporting any child involved where necessary.

  5. Maintaining appropriate levels of confidentiality.

Mandatory Reporting Forms may be found on the MRS website:


Staff should also refer to the above document, Guidelines and Procedures for Catholic Schools in Western Australia

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